Button to give Electric Shock

Button for OC Spray

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Women often become victims because of their physical inability. It is essential to self defence to avoid becoming a victim.  Self-defence helps to protect ourselves and others too.

However in the real time situations people become panic and they are not able to defend themselves even though they are trained and well equipped. With this device they get ability to defend themselves and boosts their confidence.

Electric Shock

Makes Attacker Loose Control

OC Spray

Temporarily Blinds the Attacker

Some of the existing Self defence gadgets in the market

1. Guns

Guns, revolvers, pistols … to carry this we need license. And these are expensive. And need training to operate these.

2. Tasers and stun guns

Taser guns and Stun guns are often confused for one another. A Stun gun is essentially a close proximity self defence device that uses high – voltage electricity to stop an attacker. It is a non lethal weapon that momentarily disables muscle control .

Whereas Taser guns are devices which when used it shoots two metal probe darts to a distance of 15-20 feet to reach an attacker before he reaches you It sends an electric shock and immobilizes the attacker without causing grievous hurt .

3. OC Sprays

OC sprays and alarms are most common and affordable and easily available but not able to use in real time because they get panic .

Rest of the things are not that effective in the real time situations.

Uniqueness of Safety Glove

In the real time situations people become panic and they are not able to defend themselves even though they possess the above said gadgets as those gadgets will not be handy at all times. To overcome such defect, Panjala Innovatics has come up with a patented gadget which will always be handy when worn at the time of need and contains the power all the above gadgets in one glove.

Product Features

  • Electric Shock to get rid of attackers 
  • Chemical spray to make the attackers temporarily blind
  • Easily accessible even in panic situations when worn at times of need
  • Can be used in 3 seconds
  • Legal to use


India registered 31,677 cases of rape cases in 2021 – an average 86 daily – while nearly 49 cases of crime against women were lodged every single hour, according to the latest government report on crimes in the country.


Rape cases have increased by nearly 33% between 2018 and 2021. Most rapes go unreported because the rape victims fear retaliation and humiliation, both in India and throughout the world. Indian parliamentarians have stated that the rape problem in India is being underestimated because many cases are not reported, even though more victims are increasingly coming out and reporting rape and sexual assaults.

Few states in India have tried to estimate or survey unreported cases sexual assault. The estimates for unreported rapes in India vary widely. The national crime records bureau report of 2006 mentions that about 71% rape crimes go unreported

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